Mar 24, 2018 | rcarswell | 695 views
Thanks for wonderful season
Yeah we didn't win but I really could care less about wins and losses. It could have been the icing on the cake but when the ingredients for that cake are sweet enough you don't really miss the icing. And that's what the Chedoke Golden Knights were a bunch of ingredients that blended so beautifully together that it was truly incredible to be part of.
Let me start by explaining my team only philosophy in the dressing room, I truly believe that in order to gain trust you must be able to question and argue and call out a fellow teammate and should there be parents in the room that will not happen so I feel that the room is there sanctuary where they can clear the air before they hit the ice now with that being said I wish all of you could have witnessed what it was like in there, the ribbing of one another the praise the encouragement the memories being created from me telling Ozzy to shut-up to Pazzy pretending to being a shark to Seba with that damn speaker all the way to the disappearance of Luke's eyes when he laughs. There was an understanding among the boys on seating arrangements but there were no groups everyone was comfortable with everyone. I can truly say without conviction that this was the best dressing room I've ever coached. Now there is no hiding the fact that I have a special place in my heart for #22 Matt he kinda of reminds me of me when I played except Matt can skate like the wind pass with precision shoot like a cannon and on top of all that he's defensively responsible other than that we were exactly the same player but when Matt went down with an injury the guys could of packed it up and cash the season in, but they didn't they pulled together and filled a huge void and put us in the position to play for the championship on super Saturday. Led by our captain Pazzy and a breakout year from Seba, Evan the coaches pick for assistant captain who is an 04 showed so much maturity and grit he played like a 99. The emergance of #16 Matt Cavarzan who took on the role of mentor on D and showed true leadership alongside his partner #55 Zack who came into his own and turned out to be one of the top D-man in the division. With this type of leadership in the room and on the ice it was just special to be a part of. But even with all this talent no team can win without a backstop and I don't care who got that award for best goalie we all know who truly deserved it #1 Andrew Pineau he was a huge huge factor in why we were where we were. It was truly my honor to share the field of battle with all these warriors and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to spend this season with the greatest collection of characters ever assembled. I will end it on that note as I'm sure most have been charged extra for data cause of the length of this. I look forward to seeing all of you at the year end party as it will be bitter sweet cause it will be the last time all of us will be together as a team, some will quit hockey some may leave chedoke and some move up a division so as I begin to well up and the words get blurry let me say thank you to everyone who made this season the greatest ever.
Love you all
Rodger Carswell