Dec 02, 2021 | Dwayne Sterling | 473 views
Special Events
We are pleased to announce the following events to be run in conjunction with the tournament.
1. Our popular raffle table will again be a major part of the winter classic. tickets will be 3 for $5, 7 for $10 and 20 of $20, with a table value in the range of $1,500 to $2,000
2. Our annual food drive will take place again this year. Help us to re-stock the food banks after what will be a very busy christmas season. We are accepting donations of non-perishable food items throughout the tournament, and will award the chedoke team, and non-chedoke team, that brings in the most pounds of food with a special prize.
3. We are hosting our 1st annual Winter Classic 50/50 draw this season. More details when tickets go on sale.
we are also looking to run additional events throughout the winter classic. More details to be posted as they become available.