2018/19 Executive, News, Novice, 2017/18 (Chedoke Minor Hockey)


This League is part of the 2017/18 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Apr 13, 2018 | admin | 4825 views
2018/19 Executive
It was a great turnout of over 40 members across all five of our divisions at our AGM & Social Thursday night. The positive energy in room made for an enjoyable evening for all.

Thank you to everyone who took some time from their busy lives to invest in our league.

Our 2018/19 Executive elections were held and the team is set and ready to lead the charge into the coming season.

A big thank you and welcome to our new volunteers for joining our great Executive team, and a sincere thanks to all those who have made great contributions to our league in the past.

See your 2018/19 Executive HERE.
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