Annual General Meeting and Social, News, Novice, 2017/18 (Chedoke Minor Hockey)


This League is part of the 2017/18 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Apr 12, 2018 | admin | 5613 views
Annual General Meeting and Social
Please mark your calendars for Thursday April 12 at 7:00pm for our Annual General Meeting and Social. All Chedoke members are welcome!

This meeting will be held in the banquet room at East Side Marios at 119 Osler Drive in Dundas.

We encourage all Chedoke members to attend to participate in the building and shaping of our league and to join in spending some time away from the rink to celebrate another great season!

There will be some light food served, and the kitchen and bar will be open except during the meeting portion of the evening.

Our AGM will include time for Q&A as well as elections for Executive positions.

Please feel free to submit your question or comment in advance via THIS anonymous feedback form.

These are the positions up for election. Nominations are accepted in advance using THIS form.

Position Term
President 2 years
VP, Administration 1 year
VP, Junior House League 2 years
Director, Senior Select 2 years
VP, Operations 2 years
Treasurer 2 years
Secretary 2 years 

Nominations from the floor at the meeting are also accepted. Voting will take place by in-person, individual ballots.

There are no proposed changes to our Constitution.
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