Awards (Chedoke Minor Hockey)


Print2024 Award Winners
Volunteer of the Year
League Volunteer
Awarded annually to a member of the Chedoke community who went above and beyond to make the season a success.
  • Allison Palladino
Art Davidson Memorial
House League player
Awarded annually to the House League player who demonstrates excellent sportsmanship.
  • Liliana Mertz
    U9 Leafs
Ken McGinley Memorial
Coaching staff
Awarded annually to the coaching staff that demonstrate excellent sportsmanship. Ken coached at Chedoke for several years and many players were fortunate to have played for him. It was his philosophy that hockey was a team sport and all players were a valuable member of that team. Ken always spoke to each player in the dressing room before and after the game making each one feel as if they were an NHL star.
  • U15 Mustangs
    Mark Dufour, Adam Dufour, Daniel Laengerer, Ollie Laengerer, Candace Moore
Super Saturday
House League Champions
Super Saturday takes place in mid-to-late March and is the final day of the Chedoke Minor Hockey League season featuring Championship games in all divisions.
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    U9 Flames
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    U18 Lightning
    Liburdi Engineering, Masters Insurance