I have received a couple of inquiries as to what all is involved with the Chedoke Winter Classic.
So here is the breakdown of the Tournament
The 2024 Chedoke Winter Classic will take place from December 27th to 29th in Hamilton, ON, and the home rink for the Tournament will be the Chedoke Twin Pad Arena at 91 Chedmac Drive in Hamilton.
The registration fees for the 2024 Chedoke Winter Classic are $1,150 per team. There are no gate fees during the tournament. For associations that wish to send a minimum of 3 teams, the Winter Classic offers multi-team discounts to any association that sends a minimum of 3 teams. If you send a minimum of 3 teams, each team will receive a $25 rebate on your registration fees. If you send at least 5 teams to the Winter Classic, the rebate increases to $50 a team. Each season, we award between $300 and $600 worth of rebates as a thank you for attending the Winter Classic.
The Tournament is open to the following levels of teams:
House League Select
Rep Level C, D and E
AE3, AE4 and AE5 level teams
House League Red Level teams
Local League teams are eligible to register based on the status of the Association. Please feel free to contact me to discuss eligibility.
NO B or BB teams, and no Tournament Teams permitted.
Registration will close on Friday, November 22, 2024 at midnight.
Once a division has a minimum of 3 teams registered, that division will proceed at the Winter Classic. If you want to know how a division will be operated based on the number of teams, you can check our Tournament Rules.
Every team is guaranteed 3 games in the Winter Classic. We have one of the largest playoff structures of tournaments, so more teams will advance.
Every Participant in the Winter Classic will receive a thank you gift for attending the tournament. The thank you gifts will be given to each team during their first game at Chedoke Arena. ALL TEAMS will play at least 1 round robin game at Chedoke Arena.
For every game played in the Round Robin and playoffs up to the Semi-Finals, there will be an award for each team for their MVP of the game. These will be given to the coaches at the start of each game to give out.
For the Finals, one of our Tournament Sponsors donates MVP prizes to be given out to the finals MVP's from both teams of each game. These prizes will be announced closer to the start of the tournament.
Each Division finalist will receive medals from the Tournament Committee.
Each Division Champion will receive Championship medals, photos with the Tournament Trophy, and a banner to take back to your home arena and proudly display in the ceiling of the arena.
We are also happy to announce that there will be a full time photographer on-site at Chedoke Arena throughout the Winter Classic so you can purchase game action photos of your players during the Tournament.
There will be additional events that will coincide with the Winter Classic at Chedoke Arena including:
A Tournament Raffle Table with 10 to 12 premium items to be won
A Food drive to help re-stock the shelves of the local food bank after Christmas. And the non-chedoke team that donates the most pounds of food during the food drive will receive a rebate on their registration fees of $1 per pound donated, up to a maximum of $400......Just our way to try and give back during the holiday season.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our Tournament Director, Dwayne Sterling, at [email protected].