Dec 16, 2019 | kpmosullivan | 979 views
Canned Good Drive and Raffle Tickets
Hello Select Families,
There will be more details coming but the Winter Classic will be asking you to volunteer some of your time during the tournament.
"Chedoke thrives on the support of our families and this tournament would not be possible without volunteers. It is therefore MANDATORY that EVERY family with a player in the tournament take at least ONE TWO-HOUR SHIFT during the tournament to assist with either the registration table; raffle table; food drive table, setting up or taking down. The volunteer schedule is available via this link, and we encourage you to sign-up early for a date/time that is convenient with your schedule. A committee member will be available to provide volunteers with instructions as may be required throughout the tournament. Please note that managers of each Select team will be asked to ensure that all families help out in some way. This is also an excellent opportunity for high school students that still need volunteer hours. We encourage you all to embrace the spirit of the season and to give a little of your time... ...many hands make for light work!"
This weekend the league will be collecting canned goods on Sunday in support of Neighbour to Neighbour for families in our community. All donations are accepted and will work towards the Peewee division totals! They are measuring this by weight although bottled water is not accepted (and a huge blight on the environment). There will also be a raffle for the Winter Classic, tickets being sold at 3 for $5, 7 for $10 or 25 for $20. Draw prizes include a 50 Inch Smart TV, A gift card tree, Airbuds, Ticat Tickets and a few others prizes you can check out this Sunday.