What to expect from Select?, News, Peewee Express, Select, 2019/20 (Chedoke Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2019/20 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 14, 2019 | kpmosullivan | 654 views
What to expect from Select?
Familes: thank you for your interest in this year’s Peewee Select Team. As you can see from the first tryout; the coaches are going to have our hands full looking at these players to determine who will make the final roster. As a team we can carry 2 goalies/15 skaters, so inevitably we will have to make some cuts and I ask for your patience and understanding if your child does not make the final roster. These are difficult choices and we know there will be some disappointed players/families.

In my first introduction letter I asked that you send your players to these tryouts to benefit from the extra ice time and coaching. But as we move to the selection periods, I want you to consider if you are ready as a family to commit to this team. For those of you who have not had a child play select, it is a rewarding experience, but you will have to dedicate a great deal of time to the program. The majority of Saturdays between now and mid-April there will be a practice at 4pm. The team may do some dryland training at times during the season as well. We will also schedule most of our home games during this time slot. Our away games are more scattered timewise and geographically as we work with our opponents. For example, the first game of this year’s express will take place at 8pm on November 8 in Brantford against the Saints, but we may play teams from Niagara and Woodstock.


We will also be attending 3 tournaments this year which will obviously involve some travel and perhaps a night of accommodations. We will be participating in the Chedoke Winter Classic which runs from December 27-29. Between now and the Alliance Tournament we will be having 30 games (exhibition + tournaments).


Budget wise- the cost for Select will be $700 for the season. Each year we are able to fundraise and seek sponsorships for the team and this usually means the adjusted cost for the season is approximately $500. But we do require a $250 payment on November 15 followed by a second payment of $250 on January 15th. Tentatively the third payment will be February 25.


As you can see this is a larger commitment than house league that may not be right for all families and I’d ask you to please let me know if you aren’t sure if this is right for you before we start to the selection process.


We will also be able to carry a small number of Associated Players. These players will attend each practice and be called up to games when a player from the main roster cannot attend. We plan on attending each game with a full bench. The cost for AP players is $200 plus their jersey sets which cost $150 for a home and away set. I think this is a great opportunity for players looking to improve their skills as they will be full participants in all other aspects of the team.


Should you have any questions or concerns my email is [email protected]


Kevin O’Sullivan

Upper James Toyota
Upper James Toyota is a major sponsor for the Peewee Express Team!
Canadian Metal Buildings
Canadian Metal Buildings is a Major Sponsor of the Peewee Express!
Goodbrand Construction
Tim Goodbrand and Goodbrand Construction is a sponsor of the Peewee Express!
Hamilton Osteopathic & Rehabilitation Centre
Hamilton Osteopathic & Rehabilitation Centre is a Major Sponsor of the Peewee Express!
Fortinos --Mall Road
Fortinos is your supermarket with a heart as a Major Sponsor of the Peewee Express!