U21 (Juvenile) House League Hockey is returning to Hamilton next season.
In a joint project between the Hamilton Minor Hockey Council and the House League Associations in the City of Hamilton, City Wide U21 House League Hockey is on the Calendar to return for the 2025/26 season.
Here is a brief outline of what to expect next season:
U21 will play 1 game a week on Sunday Nights, probably at Chedoke Arena based on Ice Availability.
The original plan is for 4 teams to play within the league.
Jerseys and Socks will be provided for all teams in the League.
Registration will be open to all Players from all Local Associations that are were born in 2005, 2006 and 2007.
Plans are in the works to have monthly interlock games with the Ancaster Minor Hockey League's U21 division.
We will also be making ourselves available to interlock with other local Associations that may only have 1 or 2 teams.
We will play a 20 week schedule, with playoffs and a championship weekend included.
Each game will have 1 referee and 2 linesmen assigned.
The Championship team from Hamilton's U21 League will be registered (registration fee covered) to Represent our league in the 2026 Alliance House League Championships. Location TBD.
Registration details will be posted soon on the Hamilton Minor Hockey Council's Website:
See you for U21 next season.