Volunteers needed for the upcoming season, News (Chedoke Minor Hockey)


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Sep 06, 2024 | Dwayne Sterling | 160 views
Volunteers needed for the upcoming season
The Chedoke Minor Hockey League are looking for parent and player volunteers to assist with running our program this season

We are looking for parent volunteers for the following positions:

1.  Team Head Coaches
2.  Team Assistant Coaches
3.  Team Trainers
4.  Team Managers

Head Coaches are asked to apply through the chedoke website.  

If you have a player looking for their volunteer hours for high school, Chedoke Minor Hockey can offer various positions as well to gain your hours.

1.  On-Ice assistant during U9 and U11 practices
2.  On-Ice assistant for the NHL/NHLPA First Shift Program.

If your player is looking to give back and gain their volunteer hours, please reach out to Dwayne Sterling at [email protected] for more details