Annual General Meeting, News (Chedoke Minor Hockey)


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Feb 15, 2024 | admin | 863 views
Annual General Meeting
This year's meeting will be held on Tuesday March 26 at 7:00pm at Chedoke.

We encourage all our parents and volunteers to attend and help chart the future of our league.

Our AGM will include time for Q&A as well as elections for Executive positions. Please feel free to submit your question or comment in advance via THIS anonymous feedback form.
Executive Elections
These are the positions up for election. Nominations are accepted in advance using THIS form as well as from the floor at the AGM. Voting will take place by in-person, individual ballots.

Position Term
President 2 years
VP, Operations 2 years
Director, Senior Select 2 years
Secretary 1 year 
 VP, Senior House League 2 years
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Blackman Family
The Blackman Family sponsors a U18 team every year in memory of their son Ian, a Chedoke player. Ian was known for his competitive spirit and sportsmanship, qualities which we hope every player at Chedoke exhibits.
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