Chedoke Minor Hockey have the following roster spots remaining for the 2023/24 house league season
U9 House League - 3 spots remaining
U18 House League - 5 skater positions remaining - goalies full
Registration will close for all divisions on Friday, October 20, 2023. We are hoping to fill all our teams prior to the start of the regular season.
You can register on-line NOW to confirm your spot. From our Home Page, go to Registration and click on Register Online and follow the prompts.
Also, we will be hosting our final live in-person registration on Saturday, September 30, 2023 from 9 am to noon in the upper lobby of Chedoke Arena, 91 Chedmac Drive, in Hamilton. Once all spots are filled within a division, registration will be closed so register now to avoid missing out.
Payments by EFT will be accepted during the live registration sessions.
If you have any questions about our live registration, or want more details about Chedoke Minor Hockey, feel free to either email Dwayne Sterling at
[email protected], or you can call the Chedoke Minor Hockey League at (905) 575-5185. The phone is now forwarded to answer your requests.