Jan 13, 2022 | Dwayne Sterling | 519 views
Chedoke Winter Classic 50/50 is 90% sold out
Although we are temporarily shut down to play hockey due to COVID-19, the Chedoke Winter Classic 50/50 draw tickets are continuing to be sold.
Tickets are currently just over 90% sold out, and with the draw date of January 31, 2022, time is running out to get your tickets and take your chance. The draw will be held LIVE on Chedoke's Facebook page.
There are less than 250 tickets remaining to be sold for our fundraiser.
Tickets are $2 each, 3 for $5 and 7 for $10, and all proceeds go towards the Chedoke Minor Hockey League.
If you are interested in tickets, feel free to contact Dwayne Sterling, Tournament Director, at [email protected]. I will then send you an email address to forward your money to, and will fill out your tickets and send you a photo of your completed tickets and stubs.
Thank you again for your support of Chedoke Minor Hockey