Certification Update, News (Chedoke Minor Hockey)


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Jul 10, 2017 | admin | 2442 views
Certification Update
Attention ALL Team Staff members:

New courses and certification requirements have been added for your review.

Coaching Clinics

The Hamilton Minor Hockey Council is hosting two Coach Stream clinics in the Fall.
Please refer to our Certification Page and Coaching Forms Library for more information and dates.

Please contact Jeff Reynolds with any questions including the availability of Development Stream clinics.

Mandatory Gender Identity Training for ALL Team Officials

The Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) is pleased to announce the launch of a new training module for team officials, to support trans-inclusive hockey in Ontario, Understanding Discrimination based on Gender Identity and Gender Expression Training. 

This is for all team staff members and the directive for this is coming from the Human Rights Commission.

Please refer to our Certification Page for more information and course links.