MAR 4 TEAL MVP PHOENIX MATSOS #3, News, Timbits Teal, Novice, 2017/18 (Chedoke Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2017/18 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 09, 2018 | Scaswell | 808 views
Teal sharks suffered a loss vs Red in the playoffs but were still going strong thanks to Phoenix. 

Phoenix is our smallest player but don't let his size fool you. #3 packs a heavy punch when he hits the ice. Phoenix grinds hard on the boards and in the corners, he has no fear. He is also one of our younger players but you would never know by the way he plays. He's strong in the offensive zone, and has some soft hands. Phoenix is great at putting the puck on his team mates stick when making a pass. He enjoys battling infront of the net, and is one of our secret weapons. He scores when we need it the most and has quite a few assists, he is a real team player. Phoenix know how to utilize the boards and drive the puck forward. He's a great defensive player as well. He is probably one of the happiest kids on the ice and can't wait for his next shift he's always focused and knows how to get his job done with outstanding results. He's amazing to coach and I have a lot of fun with him in the ice. A great kid with a great attitude and hard work ethic which is very hard to come by. He's another key player to this awesome team we have become. Thanks for all of your hard work Phoenix!!!