FINISHED FIRST, News, Novice Express, 2016/17 (Chedoke Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2016/17 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 14, 2017 | Jschwoob | 803 views
A tie pushes Chedoke through to Semi-Finals


Chedoke took to the ice for their 3rd game of the round robin against the St.Catherines Storm.  Chedoke previously fell in exhibition play twice to the Storm 4-0 and 7-4.

The Storm came out flying and took a quick 2-0 lead as Chedoke just couldn't find their legs early on.  Loiselle, positioned in front of the net buried a rebound to cut the lead in half.  Chedoke pressed hard and tied the game as they battled hard and dominated Storm defence.

The third period was back and forth both teams stopping the other and the goalies making key saves.  The Storm crashed the net and buried one to take back the lead.  Chedoke quickly responded to tie it up at 3.  Both teams had their chances to go ahead but the defence stood strong and the game ended 3-3.

With the tie, it put Chedoke in the top spot in the Novice division with 5 points.

Chedokes' next action is the Semi-Finals against the Waterloo Wolves.

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